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è un centro di esami autorizzato dagli Enti certificatori britannici 








ROCKSCHOOL UK e TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON sono riconosciuti come enti certificatori da parte dell'Ufficio di Regolamentazione delle Qualifiche e degli Esami (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation - Ofqual).

Ofqual è l'Ente Certificatore Supremo, che abilita alla Certificazione dei TITOLI PROFESSIONALI.

EQF - Le qualifiche regolamentate dall’Ofqual sono ora incluse nel Quadro Europeo delle Qualifiche (European Qualifications Framework - EQF). Il Parametro EQF è il parametro cui tutte le nazioni Europee dovranno adeguarsi entro il 2020.

LILIMUSICSCHOOL è un centro di esami degli Enti Certificatori Rockschool UK e Trinity College London.




ROCKSCHOOL per la musica

Rockschool's accredited qualifications are listed on the National Register of Approved Qualifications,            

Rockschool's organisation number is RN5192 and you can search our qualifications by clicking on the tab marked 'search qualifications'.

Rockschool is unique amongst accredited music awarding organisations in the UK in having accreditation in Scotland for its grade exams.

Rockschool's accredited qualifications are recognised within the EU as valid in the Bologna Process and are now part of theEuropean                                

Qualifications Framework. From April 2012, all Rockschool certificates will have the appropriate EQF level identified on them.







TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON  per la lingua Inglese

Trinity qualifications are assessed to the same standards across approximately 60 countries by trained panels of examiners who work internationally to ensure              

the consistent application of criteria and procedures.

Trinity’s academic and operational staff, who are based at a head office in London, oversee the running of examination sessions and have responsibility for the             quality assurance of assessment processes and syllabuses. This work is scrutinised, monitored and reviewed by a number of regulatory authorities worldwide               which aim to ensure the quality of education and examinations within their respective countries.

 In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Trinity is recognised by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) and the Welsh Assembly               Government.


 Lilimusicschool  Via Alfredo Rocco 19/20 Napoli  c/o Piazza Muzij Arenella_Vomero   Tel. 081 2417477

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